Films I Watched 24/5/15-31/5/15


Didn't get a chance to watch a whole pile again last week! Work and moving out got the better of me. The two films I did watch however were pretty enjoyable. My family have recently made the most amazing decision to spring for Sky On Demand, so I've been utilizing it's features to the full.

All About Eve
1950. Dir. Joseph. L Mankiewicz
Overall, I quite enjoyed All About Eve. I really love old films and this was a great one to watch, particularly because it focuses on the acting industry and the star system that was in place in 1950s America. The story was slightly long winded but interesting, and the acting was great! I'm glad I at least watched it, and I enjoyed the twist.


Spike Island
2012. Dir. Mat Whitecross.
I really, really loved Spike Island! I originally only started watching it for Emilia Clarke and Nico Mirallegro but I was drawn in almost immediately. The story is slightly cliched but still charming and enjoyable, and the soundtrack is one of the best I've heard in ages. I'm confused as to why some reviewers consider the direction to be sloppy, the zippy, fast-paced editing and multitude of shots in each scene worked extremely well, and kept the film upbeat and interesting. The production design was also brilliant. Overall I just really liked this film and really recommend it!


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